Someone pointing out the guilty or perhaps just a victim.
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Just added a new custom print to Gurkoz Wear called “Stoopid Humans”. It’s all about.. well.. how stupid people really are. Take it for what it is, a fun joke about humanity.
This is the first steps for some crazy and unique designs, hopefully it will result in something awesome. You can find this and more at Gurkoz Wear.
A family desperately spectates as their city falls to an invading alien force.
Gurkoz Canvas is proud to present our very first Canvas to the public. It represents a selection of the best artwork from our daily creative process. These paintings are created in high resolution ready to be printed as physical artworks.
The first twenty or so paintings are remastered versions of things we have developed in the past. By selecting the ones that possessed a special character we then upscale the image to a high resolution suitable for printing in the standard sizes and forms. The trick is to not get lost in the details. With digital painting versus traditional the limits for how much fine detail you can add has increased drastically, only held back by the resolution of source media. It’s a struggle to keep actual broad paint strokes and not flood the painting with details. Finding the perfect balance will surely take some time and practice.
Later down the line we will hopefully have a setup where you as a visitor can become a regular customer and order your very own copy. We are not quite there yet, but that is what we are working towards. More information on that in the future to come.
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Gurkoz Canvas has undergone a few changes we felt was needed to better present artwork on our sites.
The new “Art” section will as of today replace the previous “Creation” section. Art is all the scribbles, illustrations and paintings from our daily creative process deemed interesting enough to show to the public. A selection of the best paintings are then carried over to the “Canvas” section where it will get a high resolution treatment and displayed as a proper artwork. This will initially be enhanced versions of previous created work until we catch up with current material.
And, we have already started working on ways to make these paintings available for purchase. More information about that in the future to come.
You can find the new “Art” section at http://art.gurkoz.com
Gurkoz Canvas is now also available on Facebook. Visit and Like the official page here!
Website – http://canvas.gurkoz.com
Twitter – http://twitter.com/gurkozcanvas
We just released an update to the core setup of our various websites available on Gurkoz Productions. Without going into too much detail, it features small changes to make the visit more enjoyable for people like you. We removed the dynamic loading of the header and footer sections. A design that was meant to simplify the framework but in the end turned out to be a bad idea. We also did minor tweaks and cleaned up a few bugs that has been on our to-do list for quite some time.
Other than this we have also added a new gallery to better display all our content. Now you will actually be able to read our comics directly on the page or through the nifty fullscreen feature. The previous gallery was all built in-house and although it was a fun challenge we got a bit side tracked. It soon became apparent that keeping up with browser development was going to be tough.
So now instead, we have invested in an component from people that really know what they are doing. This will free up time for us to focus on more exciting projects as well as ensuring future compatibility with upcoming browsers. The new gallery is now active on all sections except for Gurkoz Tube where video rather than images are used. An updated version will be released when we really get the hang of the new component. In the meantime, if any problems occur with the old gallery there’s always the option to go directly to our YouTube profile.
With these updates out the door we can again go back to producing awesome content. As always, we have more features planned for the website but somewhere we really need to draw a line and go back to do what we enjoy and where set out to do in the first place. For too long now we have spent energy on micromanage this site and it will be a breath of fresh air to put that behind us and focus on something else.
First up is a chance to devote some real effort into drawing and painting again. A real passion of ours and there is no telling what the results will be other that it will be fun as always. Hopefully, that creativity will make way for some conceptual drawings related to our various gaming projects. Also, we have a few new prints lined up for Gurkoz Wear but at this time no real estimation on when they will be available for purchase.
As always, keep checking back to get the latest on Gurkoz Productions.
(If you for some reason have any problems with the new changes, first try to force your browser to update cached files using the Ctrl+F5 keyboard shortcut. If you still have problems please contact us with feedback so we can resolve any issues. Thanks.)