Here is a another site update. This time in the form of a fully featured video gallery based on my youtube material. Basically it’s the same videos already available on my youtube channel only now embedded in a nice way on the site.
Tattoo gallery update
Finally i have some content to share courtesy of Gurkoz Ink! A gallery section packed with tattoos ready to browse. These actually are creations i have done up to this point and now all collected here for you.
I’ll be the first to admit they are all in varying quality. Mind you these are from my first stumbling steps up until present day. This will be the place where you can follow what will hopefully be better and better tattoos.
Portfolio update
Just finished setting up a portfolio section containing various galleries. At first i didn’t have any plans to build a gallery on the site but rather rely on a remote service. I have tried in the past to handle a gallery and it all came down to be too much work in the end. But now with the help of Flickr and various plugins, it finally is a easy solution.
Comics gallery update
My future plans for Gurkoz Comics is to have multiple comics running, each with it’s own gallery and info. At the time of writing this i only have one comic up and running and that will more or less act as an template for how i will be implementing the others.
Talking about my first comic called “Mixed Space”, i have just added it’s own gallery where all future comics will be placed. It’s only a few as of now but will grow in time.
New painting
Just spent a little time trying to get my painting started again. It’s pretty rough going back and picking up something you left a year back. I am trying to just go easy on myself and just paint what ever comes into my mind. No pressure, no predetermined outcome. Just have fun with it.
I will try and do a little of this every day.
Second comic!
First comic published!
Just finished and published my first comic! Well ok i have done a few comics before but this is the first step to something more real. It’s been quite a struggle to get this whole thing going since there is so much more to this than just drawing the comic it self.
Spent quite some time thinking about the setup and format trying to get it all right from the start. Although it seems like an impossible task to get it all perfect from the get go. I guess i just have to work out some things as i go along.
Now, on to the actual comic at hand. Started with a project that i have been thinking about for some time. A mix between various Sci-fi themes called “Mixed Space”. This was a perfect starting angle since it is easier to focus on dialog rather than design at this point. Please bear with me for the uneven quality but i am pretty much learning as i go along.
The plan is to create a few dedicated sections for each comic with some description and possibly back story. I will have that up once i get a few more comics online.
In the mean while, enjoy this first comic.

X3 mod in planning
A few days back i picked up and played the Space-sim game X3. Really impressive game. Felt like a true successor to the old game “Elite” back in the day. Anyhow, as usual i started to dissect and scrutinize both the sound and graphics. Both of which could need a little extra attention.
From my previous mods in space related games i have hoarded a big deal of resources that could turn out to be useful in this project. My plans are to replace a few sounds and some effects mainly dealing with explosions and impacts. It’s not going to be a mega-mod in any way, just something small to enhance the overall feel of the game.
No time frame or release date as of yet.
Welcome to v7
Welcome to the 15 year anniversary edition of Gurkoz Productions website. This is the seventh version and it’s better than ever!
I never would have thought i would after so short period of time start yet another of these momentous projects. But looking back i see that the sixth version was a really fun project to create, but that’s really all it was, a project. A great way to dynamically collect and display different aspects of gurkoz productions. But it really lacked the ability for me to interact and keep it alive and fresh. In any way, it felt natural for me to continue on and build something that could be used as a robust platform for my future material.
I can’t help thinking i’ve done this before. Six times before actually. In some ways i feel a bit off track devoting all this time creating these sites rather than actual content. But in the end, all that drives me is my own ambition to try and create something even better than before. I started gurkoz productions back in 1996 and now, 15 years later i can safely say with my track record that not even this will be the final version of this site. But it sure is a better version that the previous, and that is what i am bringing you today.
Also, for the first time i have used an external cms to run the site where as the previous sites all used my own developed platforms. This time i went with the excellent WordPress blogging software and i just love it. Previously it’s all been tilted towards blogging but in recent years it’s taken big steps towards a fully Content Management System. All this so instead of spending x more years developing my own software i can devote my full time to do what i love, creating content for you guys.
This time around i have tried to expand and added new sites to gurkoz productions in the quest for world domination. At first i developed these new brands as self-sufficient sites but in the end i realized that the best way to go was a collective site containing everything related to gurkoz productions. You can still visit their individual domains but they all point to different sections of this site.
So let me try and explain a bit more in detail what each of these sites will contain. They are all pretty much self explanatory but i will run them by you anyhow.
Gurkoz Productions
This is the main site of gurkoz productions. It will always be the first stop to find out what is going on in gurkoz-land.
Gurkoz Comics
For a long time i have had the intention to start creating comics. And here it is, a site fully devoted to all the comics and crazy stories i have been planning over the years. You will get a first hand look at my first stumbling steps in this field. Let’s hope it will be a fun and rewarding ride.
Gurkoz Games
Needless to say, a big passion in my life (besides my wife of course!) has always been gaming. I felt it was time to take it to the next level and create some kind of identity. What the future holds in store for gurkozGames time will tell. In the meanwhile this will be the source of all my developed modifications.
Gurkoz Ink
Same thing with this site, it’s an embryo waiting to be developed further. Being the creative nut that i am, i have not missed the wonderful world of tattoos. It’s an interesting trade and i am constantly amazed over the people who practice it. Hopefully i will continue to dive deeper into this fascinating field.
Gurkoz Wear
At the time of writing this, the primary usage for this site would be a place for me to collect and display all my different ideas about printing and clothing. Time will tell if it will evolve into something more commercial where you can purchase your own pair of slick gurkoz clothings complete with amazing custom prints.
So there you have it, the groundwork for the new version 7 of gurkoz productions website. Unfortunately, at launch the various sites will not feature loads of content. My focus here was to get the new structure online, and then really devote all my time to jam it packed with material.
So check back to see all my upcoming updates! Hope you enjoy your stay!
Introducing Gurkoz Comics
This is the first post of many in this comic project known as GURCOM – Gurkoz Comics.
At the time of writing this, the actual content available is pretty much non existing. I was forced to devote all effort and time to get this whole thing floating so to speak. Mind you, i have already quite a few comics lined up. Some are just in the initial phase while others have evolved and are close to be revealed. My plans are during the creation process to present both history and characters prior to launching the actual comics. This way you will get a first hand look at what is to come and to read some interesting back story.
What the future will hold is as impossible to tell as always. I really hope this is a start for something new and exciting that i can continue to build on for years to come.