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Work in Progress

Tänkte försöka något nytt här med att presentera lite från processen i att göra en målning. En process som så klart ständigt förändras då man provar nya sätt att skapa på. Det finns fortfarande mycket kvar att lära sig men det är en spännande resa. Förhoppningen här är ju att det ska driva mig framåt på något sätt men också att någon kanske finner det intressant eller rent av lärorikt.

Jag har tidigare varit ganska dålig på att faktiskt spara målningarna i olika skeden, något som jag så klart ska bli bättre på nu är det tänkt. Något som så klart möjliggör för flera framtida inlägg som detta. Vet dock inte riktigt än om jag ska presentera bilder löpande eller vänta tills en målning är klar och man kan se hela förloppet. Gissningsvis blir det helt enkelt en uppdatering när jag känner att det finns något kul att visa och diskutera kring.

Färdiga målningar kommer sedan att landa under Gurkoz Canvas där man kan se högupplösta versioner och i framtiden även kunna köpa sig egna exemplar.


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Soul Battle

Soul Battle (00026)
Soul Battle (00026)

This particular painting is something strange that emerged one day. It all started out with just a palette with warm colors. After some messing about it naturally turned into flames (because flames are cool!). When the canvas was all covered i felt that was it and left it as “finished” and moved on. A few days later after looking at the painting i got the usual feeling that something was missing. So i returned and added a figure of some sort in the top part of the flames giving the painting a bit more mystery and story.

Being pretty happy with this addition i again left it for “finished” and moved on. And you guessed it, a few days later i yet again returned to add something. This time another figure started to appear at the bottom of the painting and i soon got the feeling that some kind of battle was taking place. As soon as i got that idea i quickly filled the surrounding space with diffuse faces to give the notion of more involved parties.

To me, it is a painting about two forces in a power struggle over the control of lost souls. Nothing of that was planned from the start but this is more or less how it always is when i paint. Perhaps i should “plan” more before i start or perhaps not. Either way, it is always a fun and rewarding process full of surprises!

It has been quite some time since we last posted anything related to gurkozCanvas, but things are always in the works. We have spent a lot of time to streamline and perfect the publishing process for best results. Analyzed and documented where and how to share the paintings to various social medias. We now feel we have a decent working setup and can move on to the next step.

This will be to further develop the website where anyone can actual buy their own copy of our paintings! It is still in early development but things are coming along nicely. Although you can visit the site it is for the time being only to browse. When we finally open up the doors and enable for purchase we will make an official announcement.

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